Friday, September 17, 2010

Banner Boutique Headbands -

Here are a couple of the beautiful headbands made by Banner Boutique on Etsy.  To check out her store, click HERE or blog, click HERE.  Check my blog as I will be photographing more hair accessories from her soon.  :)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kerri & Kirsten - {Elk Rapids Michigan Child Photographer}

Last Sunday I met up with Jennifer, Kirsten, Kerri & Daisy in Elk Rapids.  :)  Jennifer wanted to do a beach shoot so we started out there and then walked through town a little bit and then to the harbor.  Elk Rapids is such a cute little town and we had fun!  The beautiful flowers in this session are from Bolt's.  Thanks Russ & Cindy!  Here are a few of my favorites.  These girls were so sweet!  Thanks again!  :)

These girls are just so beautiful - my favorites here :)

Preston - {Ellsworth Michigan Child Photographer}

Preston is 2 1/2 years old and he was on the move!  Reminds me a lot of my son Grant.  :)  They never stop, haha!  He was such a sweet boy and said "cheese" every time we asked him to smile.  Those blue eyes and eyelashes just kill me.  :)  He was having fun exploring the orchard the night of our session.  Thanks May family!  :D