Sunday, August 26, 2012

School Sessions : Dates & Times

Just a little reminder to you all who have booked these sessions.  They are starting tomorrow evening and I'm super excited!  I will have a vintage desk, old books, apples, a chalkboard, etc.  Bring anything else that you would like to be included in the session.  The people I have signed up so far are:


6:45 pm - KOLTA
6:50 pm - KOLTA
7:00 pm - PATTON
7:05 pm - VANNIMAN
7:10 pm - VANNIMAN
7:15 pm - VRONDRAN
7:20 pm - VRONDRAN
7:30 pm - MCCOY
7:35 pm - MCCOY
7:40 pm - MCCOY


6:30 pm - BOYER
6:35 pm - BOYER
7:00 pm - MURRAY
7:10 pm - DEYOUNG
7:15 pm - DEYOUNG
7:20 pm - DEYOUNG
7:25 pm - ESSENBERG, S
7:35 pm - ESSENBERG, K
7:40 pm - ESSENBERG, K

Please come to your session a few minutes early because they will move very fast.  Also, if you could park down by the apple trees that will be great!  You will see my truck, a red Ford.  See you soon!  :-)

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